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David Bellis, smiling

A vote for experience, commitment,

and integrity

Because our community deserves to thrive

I have been a resident of the Cowichan Valley for over 60 years; 

the community has been good to me and I feel the 

time is right to give something back.

I would be honoured to serve you as a councillor for North Cowichan.


I spent most of my working life as a teacher/administrator for S.D. 79, but have also held many “blue collar” jobs, including a summer stint at the Crofton Mill, working in many capacities for the City of Duncan, pulling lumber on the chain in Youbou,  and bartending at the old Maple Bay Inn, now the Lion Rampant.  

I have spent hundreds of voluntary hours coaching within and outside of the school system, and sat for 10 years on the board of Literacy Now Cowichan. I was also on the original organizing committee for CMHA that established the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk for at risk youth in the Valley.

I graduated from the University of Victoria, and completed my Master's in Leadership and Learning from Royal Roads University in 2004. I have been married to my lovely wife, Sylvia, for 37 years, and have two sons, Jesse and Kevin, of whom I am fiercely proud.


North Cowichan is facing some very significant challenges, both immediate and long term. Aging infrastructure, rising property taxes, and homelessness are only a few. Solutions will need all of our best efforts, creating and following a vision for our community that truly represents consensus. Part of that vision can be found in North Cowichan's Official Community Plan, developed with considerable community input and expertise from Municipal staff. It is a plan that is strategic, thoughtful, and visionary. While it is a living document, it is an important component of a way forward, and I believe it should only be amended for extraordinary reasons.

As a councillor, I would advocate for the following:

 that is careful and considers 

climate challenges and

the well-being of future generations.


the backbone of our community and our country.

Too many have been forced to move or close. Council needs to support small business in every reasonable way. 

Support for Small Businesses

Social Housing

for our over 400 homeless 

in the Valley. Mental health

issues and drug addiction 

will not be solved in the 

streets. Housing is the first 

step to recovery. The provincial and federal governments must be partners, as they have been in the past. As the saying goes, 

"A society is best judged by how it treats its most unfortunate."

for low to middle-income earners. The average house price in North Cowichan is $750,000. A studio suite rental in the Valley's newest 

building is $2,100/month. 

For whom is this affordable?

Truly Affordable


 especially for municipal projects. Feeding at the public trough must stop. 

It is time to put a halt to any new projects until our fiscal house is in order.

 to locate in the Municipality; homeowners cannot

continue to bear the 

ever-increasing tax burden.
Council needs to investigate where other municipalities have been able to create revenue streams beyond residential taxes.

Pursuing Industry

Give me your vote on election day
and put me to work, for you.

Ballot box check mark

North Cowichan By-Election Voting Date:


Municipal Hall, 7030 Trans-Canada Highway , North Cowichan
Cowichan Community Centre (Multi-Purpose Hall), 2687 James Street, North Cowichan
Maple Bay Fire Hall, 1230 Maple Bay Road, North Cowichan
Crofton Fire Hall, 1681 Robert Street, Crofton
Chemainus Fire Hall, 9901 Chemainus Road, Chemainus

April 2nd & April 8th, 8am to 8pm
North Cowichan Municipal Hall
7030 Trans Canada Highway

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